The 100 largest home builders in the US now account for about half of all new single-family home sales, up from just over a third two decades ago.

One of the single most important strategies that a home builder can implement is a solid marketing plan.

The internet serves as a primary source of information for individuals worldwide, particularly when they’re seeking specific services. When potential customers search for a home builder company, their journey often begins with a Google query, and the first result often seals the deal.

This means they need to show people why their homes are the best and why you should pick them over others. Think of it like making sure everyone knows about the cool stuff you have to offer.

One big part of this is making sure your company shows up when people look for homes online. This is where something called Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes in. It helps your company’s website pop up when someone types in things like “new homes” or “houses for sale.” So, if someone is looking for a new home, they can easily find your company.

Social media is another important tool for home builders. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook are like big bulletin boards where companies can show off their homes. They post pictures and info about the houses they build. This is a great way for companies to connect with people and get them interested in buying a home.

Home builder marketing also helps companies stand out. This means showing what makes them different from other builders. Maybe they use eco-friendly materials or have really cool designs. Marketing helps them tell people about these special things, making them more attractive to potential buyers.

Table of Contents:

  • Know Your Home Builder Audience
  • Craft a Unique Story
  • Build a Stellar Website
  • SEO for Home Builders
  • Show and Tell on Social Media
  • Leverage Home Builder Email Marketing
  • Partner with Real Estate Agents
  • Attend Home Shows and Events
  • Team Up with Local Interior Designers
  • Get Your Friends Involved
  • Use Really Cool Technology (VR)
  • Be a Part of Fun Local Events
  • Make Fun Videos
  • Share Helpful Webinars

Step 1: Know Your Home Builder Audience

Before you start telling people about your homes, it’s important to figure out who you’re talking to. Who might be interested in your homes? Families, first-time homebuyers, or maybe those looking to downsize? Knowing this stuff helps you decide what to say and where to say it. Understanding the ages, incomes, and family sizes of your potential buyers helps you make messages that fit what they need and want. Some people might care a lot about eco-friendly features, while others are more into modern designs or community amenities. This info helps you figure out what makes your homes special. Thinking about the local area is also a big deal; different places have different likes and dislikes. Knowing the trends, cultural stuff, and money situations in the community helps you make your homes more appealing. It’s important to recognize where people are in their home-buying journey too. First-time buyers might need more info, while those upgrading might care about specific features. Keep an eye on what’s popular in the market; what people want in homes changes over time. Listen to what customers say about your homes – that helps you make things even better. In the online world, figure out where your audience hangs out – social media, forums, or real estate websites. Knowing this helps you reach out to them in the right places. Also, check out what other home builders are doing in your area. Find out what makes your homes different and better. By understanding your audience, you can make cool ads that grab the attention of the right people and make them trust your homes. This trust is super important for making your home builder marketing and business successful in the long run.

Step 2: Craft a Unique Story

Okay, now that you know who you want to talk to, it’s time to tell them a story about your homes. This isn’t just any story; it’s the story that makes your homes special and different from the rest. Imagine your homes are characters in a movie, and you’re the storyteller. What makes them unique? Is it the super cool designs, the eco-friendly features, or maybe the awesome sense of community in your neighborhoods? Whatever it is, let that shine in your story. Think about what would make someone excited to live in one of your homes. Is it the thoughtfully designed kitchen, the spacious backyard, or the fact that your homes are built with the environment in mind? Pick out the coolest parts and weave them into a narrative that captivates your audience. This story isn’t just words; it’s the personality of your homes. It’s what makes them stand out in a crowd of houses. So, get creative and share the unique aspects that make your homes the ones people dream about. After all, everyone loves a good story, especially when it’s about finding the perfect home.

photo of a nice living room and dining room in a home

photo of a nice living room and dining room in a home

Step 3: Build a Stellar Home Builder Website

Now that you’ve figured out who you want to reach and told them a cool story about your homes, it’s time to showcase all that greatness on an amazing website. Think of your website as the digital face of your home-building business – it’s where people go to learn more, explore, and get excited about what you have to offer. Start by making your website user-friendly. Imagine someone is visiting for the first time; they should easily find information about your homes, the unique features, and how to get in touch with you. Keep it simple, organized, and visually appealing.

Optimize your website for search engines (SEO). This means using the right words and phrases so that when people search for new homes, your website pops up. Be the first thing they see when they’re hunting for their dream home.

Show off your homes with high-quality photos and clear descriptions. Let people virtually walk through the spaces you’ve crafted. Highlight what makes each home special – whether it’s the sleek design, energy-efficient features, or the beautiful community it’s part of.

Include a contact form so that potential buyers can easily reach out with questions or to express interest. Make it easy for them to take the next step in their home-buying journey.

Don’t forget about mobile users. Many people browse websites on their phones, so make sure your site looks and works great on mobile devices too. You want everyone to have a seamless experience, whether they’re on a computer or a smartphone.

Your website is like the window display of a fantastic store – it should entice people to come in and explore. So, go ahead, and create an online space with a home builder marketing website that truly reflects the excellence of your homes and makes potential buyers excited to learn more.

Here are some places that you can build your website affordably and quickly:

  1. Best for Beginners:
  2. Best for Web Developers: Webflow
  3. Best for Local Business Owners: Wix
  4. Best for Short-Term Websites: Google Sites

Step 3.5: SEO for Home Builders

SEO services are really important for home builders’ marketing. SEO helps more people see a builder’s website by making it show up higher in search results. This is great because when people are looking for new homes, they usually check the first options they see. SEO also helps attract the right people to the website—those who are actively searching for information about new homes. This means more of these visitors can turn into leads and, eventually, homebuyers.

SEO isn’t just about being seen; it’s also about making the builder’s brand seem trustworthy. Websites that come up first in searches are seen as more reliable, which is important when people are deciding where to buy a home. Another cool thing about SEO is that it’s a cost-effective way to market homes compared to traditional ads. By optimizing the website’s content, builders can have a budget-friendly, long-term strategy to reach people interested in buying homes.

Local SEO is important too. It helps the website show up in local searches, attracting people who want to buy homes in specific areas. This is great because many homebuyers like to explore options nearby. SEO also gives builders an advantage in a competitive market by making sure their website is visible when people are researching homes.

SEO adapts to changes in how people search online, making sure the website stays effective. It’s not just about search engines; it’s also about improving the experience for people visiting the website. A well-optimized site is faster, works well on phones, and is easy to navigate. This makes people happy and more likely to explore homes on the site. In short, investing in SEO helps home builders create a strong foundation for successful digital marketing.

Step 4: Show and Tell on Social Media

Now that you have a fantastic website, it’s time to spread the word and showcase your homes on social media platforms. Social media is like the megaphone for your home-building business, allowing you to reach a broader audience and engage with potential buyers in a more interactive way.

Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are your virtual stages. Post captivating photos and share interesting tidbits about your homes. It’s your chance to visually show off the sleek designs, eco-friendly features, and the vibrant communities your homes are a part of. Use hashtags to increase visibility. Think of them as the keywords that make your posts discoverable to people interested in specific topics, like #ModernHomes or #EcoFriendlyLiving. This helps your content reach the right audience. Engage with your followers. Respond to comments, ask questions, and encourage people to share their thoughts. Social media is a two-way street, so make it a conversation. Building a community around your brand fosters a sense of connection and can turn followers into potential buyers. Consider using platforms like Pinterest to create boards showcasing design inspirations, home décor ideas, and more. It’s not just about your homes; it’s about lifestyle and the dream that comes with owning one of your houses. Plan your posts strategically. Whether it’s sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses of the construction process or highlighting special features, create a content calendar to keep your social media presence consistent and engaging.

Here are 13 social media post ideas for home builders that may help you jumpstart your home builder marketing.

Remember, social media is all about visual storytelling. Make your homes the stars of the show, and let potential buyers envision themselves living in the spaces you’ve crafted. So, grab your virtual spotlight and start showcasing the unique charm of your homes on social media.

photo of a laptop with Google's Gmail service to send home builder marketing emails

photo of a laptop with Google’s Gmail service to send home builder marketing emails

Step 5: Leverage Home Builder Email Marketing

Build a mailing list of interested folks and stay connected through email marketing. Send out newsletters with updates on your latest projects, special offers, and helpful tips for homebuyers. It’s a direct way to keep your audience in the loop and nurture those valuable relationships.
Email is a powerful tool to keep potential buyers in the loop, nurture relationships, and provide valuable information. Here’s how to leverage email marketing effectively:

  1. Build a Mailing List: Start by building a mailing list of individuals interested in your homes. You can collect email addresses through your website, social media, or events. Offering incentives like exclusive updates or special promotions encourages people to subscribe.
  2. Segment Your Audience: Not everyone on your list is at the same stage of the home-buying journey. Segment your audience based on their interests, preferences, or where they are in the process. This allows you to send targeted and relevant content that speaks to their specific needs.
  3. Send Informative Newsletters: Regularly send out newsletters with informative and engaging content. Share updates on your latest projects, highlight unique features of your homes, and provide tips and insights about the home-buying process. Make your emails valuable and something your audience looks forward to.
  4. Personalize Your Messages: Personalization goes a long way. Address subscribers by their names and tailor your content based on their preferences. If someone has shown interest in eco-friendly features, for example, highlight those aspects in your emails.
  5. Promotions and Exclusive Offers: Email is a great platform to share exclusive promotions or special offers with your subscribers. Whether it’s a limited-time discount or early access to a new development, make your subscribers feel special for being part of your email community.
  6. Encourage Interaction: Include calls-to-action in your emails that encourage interaction. Whether it’s inviting subscribers to schedule a virtual tour, attend an open house event, or participate in a survey, keep them engaged and involved.
  7. Optimize for Mobile: Many people check their emails on their phones, so ensure your emails are mobile-friendly. A well-optimized layout ensures that your content looks great and is easy to navigate on various devices.

Email marketing is a personal and direct way to stay connected with potential buyers. By providing valuable content and fostering a sense of exclusivity, you’re not just marketing homes; you’re building a community of individuals excited about the prospect of owning one of your exceptional properties. So, craft those compelling emails and keep the excitement alive!

Step 6: Partner with Real Estate Agents

Having laid the groundwork with your online efforts, it’s now time to broaden your outreach by establishing partnerships with real estate agents. These professionals serve as valuable allies, possessing a deep understanding of the local housing market and the ability to connect you with potential homebuyers. To initiate this collaboration, identify reputable real estate agents in your target area—individuals with a strong track record and a keen grasp of local market dynamics. Furnish these agents with comprehensive information about your homes, including high-quality images, detailed floor plans, and any unique selling points that set your properties apart. Incentivize their involvement by offering competitive commissions, motivating them to actively promote and sell your homes.

Take the partnership a step further by hosting events specifically for real estate agents, such as exclusive previews or open houses. This provides agents with firsthand experience of your homes, enabling them to confidently discuss features and benefits with their clients. Collaborate on marketing materials, creating co-branded brochures, virtual tours, or social media content that amplifies the visibility of your homes through both your channels and theirs. Attend local real estate networking events to build personal connections with professionals, fostering a network that may lead to more referrals and increased visibility within the community. Maintain open lines of communication, regularly updating real estate partners on new developments, special promotions, or changes in your offerings. By strategically partnering with real estate agents, you leverage their expertise and network, extending the reach of your marketing efforts and increasing the likelihood of finding the right buyers for your exceptional homes. So, reach out, collaborate, and watch your homes gain prominence in the local real estate scene.

Step 7: Attend Home Shows and Events

Get out there and meet people face-to-face! Now that your home builder marketing has created an online presence and is established, you’ve also solidified partnerships with real estate agents, it’s time to bring your homes directly to potential buyers by participating in home shows and events. These gatherings provide valuable opportunities to showcase your properties, connect with the community, and generate leads. The first key is to carefully choose events that align with your target audience, ensuring that you’re reaching those interested in real estate and home buying. Once at the event, design an eye-catching booth that effectively communicates the unique features of your homes, utilizing high-quality visuals, brochures, and promotional materials. Consider incorporating interactive elements or virtual tours to enhance the visitor experience.

To attract attention and create a buzz around your booth, offer special promotions or giveaways exclusive to event attendees. This could include discounts on home purchases, free consultations, or branded merchandise. Hosting informative sessions or workshops related to home buying, interior design trends, or sustainable living can position your brand as an authority in the industry and provide added value to attendees. Don’t forget to set up a system to collect leads during the event, allowing you to follow up with potential buyers afterward. Networking with industry professionals present at the event, such as real estate agents and interior designers, can open doors to collaborative opportunities and referrals.

If feasible, consider bringing a scaled-down model or virtual representation of your homes to the event. This allows attendees to get a closer look at the craftsmanship and design, generating excitement and interest. Attending home shows and events puts your homes directly in front of a captive audience, offering a chance to make a lasting impression, engage with potential buyers face-to-face, and position your brand as a prominent player in the local real estate scene. So, prepare your booth, pack your promotional materials, and get ready to make a splash at the next home show in your area.

photo of a room that was interior designed by a modern interior designer

photo of a room that was interior designed by a modern interior designer

Step 8: Team Up with Local Interior Designers

Making homes look amazing is a team effort, and that’s where local interior designers come in. These creative pros know all the tricks to make spaces stylish and cozy. By teaming up with them, you’re bringing a fresh wave of ideas to make your homes even more appealing. Talk to these designers, share what makes your homes special, and explore projects together. Picture walking into a home where each room tells a unique story through design, making potential buyers feel not just interested but emotionally connected.

But it’s not just about making homes look pretty; it’s about creating spaces where memories are made. Collaborating with local interior designers adds that extra touch to your home builder marketing strategy, turning your homes into places where families can envision their futures. It’s like turning a house into a dream home with the help of design magic.

Step 9: Get Your Friends Involved

Turning your happy homeowners into advocates for your brand is a win-win. Imagine satisfied homeowners becoming like friendly ambassadors, sharing their positive experiences with their friends and family. It’s more than just getting your homes noticed; it’s about creating a community of advocates who genuinely believe in the quality and charm of your homes.

Implementing a referral program taps into the natural inclination of people to share good finds. It’s like sharing a favorite restaurant or a must-watch movie—except now, it’s about sharing the joy of finding the perfect home. By offering incentives to those who refer others to your homes, you’re not just building a customer base; you’re cultivating a network of brand enthusiasts who amplify your reach through personal connections.

Step 10: Use Really Cool Technology (VR)

Step into the future by introducing potential buyers to the wonders of virtual reality (VR). Think of it as a virtual magic carpet ride through the rooms and spaces of your homes. VR isn’t just a tool; it’s an experience that allows people to immerse themselves in the details and ambiance of your homes. It’s like bringing the showrooms to their living rooms, making the home-buying journey not just informative but also incredibly exciting.

In a world where technology is constantly evolving, incorporating VR into your marketing strategy showcases your commitment to innovation. It’s not merely showing homes; it’s creating an interactive and memorable encounter that leaves a lasting impression on potential buyers. They’re not just seeing; they’re experiencing the essence of what your homes have to offer in a whole new dimension.

Step 11: Be a Part of Fun Local Events

Being an active participant in local events is more than a marketing strategy—it’s about becoming an integral part of the community fabric. Picture your brand being associated with the laughter and joy of a neighborhood fair, the warmth of a charity event, or the excitement of a local sports tournament. It’s not just showcasing your homes; it’s creating a presence that resonates with the community.

Sponsoring or participating in local events isn’t just about business; it’s about building relationships. It’s a chance to meet potential buyers in a relaxed and enjoyable setting, where the focus isn’t just on selling homes but on connecting with people. Building this community presence goes beyond transactions; it creates a sense of familiarity and trust, making your brand synonymous with the positive experiences shared during these events.

Step 12: Make Fun Videos

Capturing the essence of your homes goes beyond still images; it’s about telling a dynamic story through engaging videos. Imagine a video that takes potential buyers on a journey, showcasing not just the physical attributes of your homes but the lifestyle they offer. Videos have the power to evoke emotions, allowing viewers to visualize themselves living in the spaces you’ve crafted.

Creating fun videos is more than a marketing tactic; it’s a means of storytelling. It’s about bringing the personality of your homes to life, from the inviting entrance to the cozy bedrooms. Videos add a layer of excitement, making the home-buying process not just informative but enjoyable. Share these videos across digital platforms and you’re not just presenting homes; you’re inviting potential buyers to step into a narrative where your homes become the backdrop to their unique stories.

Step 13: Share Helpful Webinars

Educational webinars are like online treasure chests of knowledge, providing valuable insights into the complex world of home buying. Imagine potential buyers gaining a deeper understanding of financing options, the home inspection process, and the latest trends in real estate—all from the comfort of their homes. Webinars aren’t just about disseminating information; they’re about empowering buyers with the tools they need to navigate the home-buying journey with confidence.

Hosting webinars positions your brand as a reliable source of information and guidance. It’s not just about selling homes; it’s about building trust and credibility. Webinars address common questions and concerns, demystifying the intricacies of the real estate market. By sharing helpful content, you’re not just marketing; you’re fostering a relationship based on transparency and knowledge, making potential buyers feel supported on their path to homeownership.

Spread The Word

Congratulations! You’ve just completed your crash course in home builder marketing. Remember, the key is to know your audience, tell a compelling story, and leverage various marketing channels to spread the word about your amazing homes. With these steps, you’re well on your way to building success in the exciting world of home construction. If you are still in need of help developing out a marketing plan, contact us at Shifted SEO and we can help!

Published On: November 22nd, 2023 / Categories: Home Builder / By / 19 min read /